Thursday, May 20, 2010

Change in direction

Wow! It's been a long time since my last post! I've kept running but it hasn't been a cake walk. I've only been running outside and I've been pounding the pavement around the seawall. It's beautiful as all heck and I love it but it's starting to take a toll on my body.
Possibly a week after the last post, I caught a cold which stuck around for two weeks. I didn't run for those two weeks because I had a cold and also because my hip got so bad that I was Terry Foxing it home after my runs. I saw a massage therapist that tore the shit out of my muscles and told me to stretch. I did. It hurt.
I bought new shoes and so with the combination of massage, a break and new shoes I set out to tackle more running. It went well... for about two weeks. Then four days ago or so I was running and wasn't able to finish the sets (I am currently running for 2 minutes and 30 seconds and walking for 2 minutes and 30 seconds ten times). When the signal went to run my body went forward but my legs kept walking. I almost ate pavement but managed to catch myself. I walked the rest of the way home. I was going to run but the last two sets before I stopped completely I was toying with the idea of punching a lamp post so I could focus on the pain in my hand instead of that in my hip.
I talked some sense into myself by asking myself 'what would you do if you were your own client." My answer was ' tell them to stop running and take care of themselves before they run again.'. Well, maybe I should listen to me!
A wise runner told me to run in the present and try not to think about the goal. If your body hurts, take care of it. If it feels fine, go forth. This makes a lot of sense, however part of me really wants to run that 10k in July and I would be really upset if I didn't make that goal. I do have to keep what's important in mind. Is running 10k more important than my body's well being? Really, it's not. And it's not as if I am sitting at home loafing around. I run my own business, work at a clinic and work in a spa. I also went for a 4 hour walk around Bowen Island on Tuesday and will be doing the Grouse Grind tomorrow and possibly an other hike on Sunday then an other on Tuesday... so what if I am not running?
The thing is, I've gotten used to that feeling of heading out in the morning and taking in the beauty. I guess I've also become a little addicted to the pain... either that or the accomplishment of pushing through the pain. I've seen myself progress each time I go out and that makes me happy. Anyways, I am thinking of trail running, perhaps that will be gentler on my body. Heck, I know it is! The worse thing you can run on is pavement (then packed trail, then regular trail - with rocks n roots n stuff - then sand). Maybe I'll just nurse my body when I am in Hawaii with lots of running on the beach :) After all, Hawaii is less than a month away!
During all this, I bought and am reading the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall in the hopes that I can learn a thing or two. Here are a couple of snippets:
'Running seemed to be the fitness version of drunk driving: you could get away with it for a while, you might even have some fun, but catastrophe was waiting right around the corner."
'How come my foot hurts? Because running is bad for you. Why is running bad for me? Because it makes your foot hurt.'
'Relax enough, and your body becomes so familiar with the cradle rocking rhythm that you almost forget you're moving. And once you break through to that soft, half-levitating flow, that's when the moonlight and champagne show up.'
So I am aiming for the moonlight and champagne that comes with relaxed running. It may take a while but I think I can do it... maybe not in time for July but maybe one day. In the mean time, I'll keep sending myself out there and running. I won't push as hard (no more wanting to punch lamp posts or Terry Foxing it home) and I will respect my body. I will keep seeing my massage therapist but I will bring him a mouth guard in case I kick him again (last treatment I actually kicked him... it was a reflex, I didn't mean it but I felt and still feel really bad!).