Welcome to J Made of Sugar! This will be my training blog while I train for my first 10k run this coming July.
The title is inspired by something Angelo used to tell me. 'You're not made of sugar.' He would often say this when I was making a fuss about getting wet when it was raining out (which is often because we live in North Vancouver). My usual response would be 'Actually, yes I am :)'. Yes, I know, I won't actually melt but sometimes it feels like I
just might!
Now what inspired me to run this 10k? Well I've participated in the
Underwear Affair for 3 years now and I've always walked the 5k. This spring I went through a tough time. It required me to pool all my strength to get through it. When I did get through it, I looked back at my life and was proud at all the challenges I'd accomplished so far. I'd always liked the idea of running but then when I actually started running I would remember why I liked the idea and not the actual act of running itself. My lungs burn, I get hic ups, sweat pours down my body and sometimes I throw up. It's really not pretty! So I've often tried but just as often as I've tried, I've given up.
This year is going to be different. I am going to run the damn thing! My plan of attack? I've got an iPhone loaded with Oceanlab, Jay-z, Lady Gaga, Santigold, Ozomatli, MGMT and Metric to keep me going. I've also got the app Couch to 10k. This is an app that will guide me through training for the 10k. According to this app if I run 3 days a week for 13 weeks I should be able to run 10k by July 10th. I live in North Vancouver where the mountains are in my back yard and the seawall is in my front yard so I REALLY don't have an excuse... if it's raining, and I feel like I just might melt in the rain, there's a fitness world (which I am a member of) 18 floors below where I live. Really, this sounds like the optimal environment for teaching a non runner to run. I shouldn't have any excuses...
Today is day 1 of training... The clouds are gray and threaten of rain, so this fair-weather runner will be running on the treadmill... hamster style!