Thursday, April 8, 2010


Day 2 of training (or is it day 3? Do I count rest days? Who knows.) and I hurt! I don't think I hurt from the running so much as I do from the ab work out and the yoga that I did. Really I don't know what the culprit is.
My first day of training I ran for 30 seconds and I walked for 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I did this 6 times on a 0 incline on the treadmill. It was relatively painless and I felt I could go longer. Right after that, I did an ab work out from the fitbuilder app and I think that's what killed me. I added in some techniques that my personal trainer taught me to love to hate. I felt the burn! After a delicious dinner, Angelo and I did some yoga which... either helped my muscles or made them ache more, I really don't know anymore. It felt good so we're doing it again tonight.
Yesterday I woke up and my abs were aching! I was disappointed to see that I didn't wake up with 6 pac abs... I mean for all this pain, you'd think you'd wake up with a 6 pac! But it didn't matter which way I contorted myself and flexed... there was no 6 pac to be seen... My legs (especially hip flexors) were sore but overall I felt quite good. Over the course of the day, my aches grew but nothing was unbearable. I had done more damage in the past when training with my personal trainer, so this was a cake walk. Even though today was my rest day, I still did a stretch therapy class. My muscles were fatigued and my whole body shook like a leaf when I was stretching my lower extremity. A hot bath after the class had my muscles feeling like puddy.
Today was run day. I increased the incline by 0.5 for every set of 4 min 30 sec walk and 30 sec run. The max incline I walked/ran at was 2 and then I worked my way down. Apparently running on a treadmill doesn't quite do justice to pavement running because we don't push off the same. If the treadmill is at an incline between 1 and 2 then it better stimulates running on pavement. I worked up more of a sweat but it felt good. I bought an arm band for my iPhone so I am less likely to throw it across the room or drop it on the treadmill while I am running. It's great! I love the running program! It keeps me motivated to keep going. Saturday is my next run day and I am already looking forward to it... me, looking forward to running... that was quick. Maybe it's just a phase...
Tonight I am cooking black-bean and tomato quinoa then Angelo and I will do some more yoga. I think the yoga and the stretch therapy will come in handy. I am quite flexible but it will most likely prevent injury by increasing the circulation to my muscles without overly challenging them.
It feels good to be back at the gym :) iHurt but it feels good.

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