Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today was a challenge! I am not one to quit so I hauled ass through the rest of the run. I am still doing intervals and have been running every other day. Sundays are my hard days. It's when my run time goes up by 30 seconds and instead of doing 8 to 9 reps of run/walk, I do 10. Sunday went better than anticipated. I was a little bit uncertain about running 1:30 and walking 3:30 10 times because it seemed like a lot... I was also struggling with running 1 minute straight (towards the end of my work outs). But Sunday went really well! I was so proud of myself I walk/ran 4.29 miles in 57 minutes!! That means I just have two more miles to squeeze in there and I'll be able to do 10k in under an hour. Today was rough though. By the last two reps I was cheering myself on and sweating so much my eyes burned.
My right hip has been causing me trouble and when I asked Melissa (a fellow RMT) she suggested ice baths. I was REALLY hoping she would have suggested a steam or sauna or something like this... but she told me what I didn't want to hear. I hate cold at the best of times! Sunday I did my first ice bath... to make it easier, I called my best friend Maja as a distraction while I sat in frigid water. Luckily because it was RIGHT after my run, my muscles were still really hot so it warmed up the water quite quickly. I didn't have ice cubs on hand and Tugger doesn't fetch ice cubes (yet... though he does bat them around the apartment when they're in his water dish) so I just sat in the gradually warming water. Today I sat through 10 minutes of ice cold misery all by myself (well Tugger almost fell in but I pushed him out before he completely got wet... it's bad enough, I don't want him to have to do ice baths too!).
I am encouraged because if I keep going at this pace, I'll be able to run it under an hour. Yesterday I also found a head piece to go with my outfit! I am totally stoked :) I think the outfit will look good! :) So it looks like I'm on track to success... even if success hurts!

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