Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who would have throught...

Who would have thought I would enjoy this so much? I signed up for a conference this weekend so it threw my running schedule all out of whack! Because of commute time, early starts and late endings, I was a bit confused as to when to run. Running after the conference didn't seem like something I wanted to do so after my run on Thursday, I ran again on Friday. Friday I did a 5 minute warm up, then ran 30 seconds and walked 4:30 eight times. I gradually increased the incline on my hamster wheel as I did on Thursday.
Saturday's conference was interesting but it ended earlier then anticipated. I tried to make it home before 7 but the gym closed at 7. Yes, I COULD run outside but nawe. I was ready to run 3 days in a row!!!
This didn't stop me from hitting the gym at 8am when the gym opened this morning. This time I did a 5 minute warm up, then ran 1 minute and walked 4 minutes nine times. Again, I increased the incline on my hamster wheel but I didn't go all the way up to 2 (only 1). Because for the first time I actually started to give up form and get sloppy. Sure, this didn't happen until the 8th rep but I still want to focus on running properly. I was surprised to see that at the end of my workout, I had 'run' nearly 4miles! That's in under an hour! And I walked the majority of the time! It makes me hopeful that I can actually run 10k... because 10k is 6.2 miles. I hope the treadmill is in miles anyways.... otherwise... well that's a little discouraging!
I did an ab work out afterwards, went to work (I didn't go for the second day of the conference because I had clients booked at my clinic) then went out and did some slacklining for an hour (first time of the year! It was amazing! I was out in my shorts and t-shirt and I was barefoot). Right now my body is sore, I am contemplating taking a bath or going for a steam at the gym downstairs... unfortunately the bath is really tiny in our apartment and the steam smells like mold, so I will probably just go to bed and suffer the consequences tomorrow. Actually, I think I might go for a run tomorrow... and ask the gym staff if the treadmill is in miles or kilometers... Hopefully it's miles :)
Oh and as inspiration, I read on my friend Susan's facebook status that she ran more than 48k today!!! That makes my 4miles seem like a cake walk!! 48k! Wow! She's a machine! Maybe we won't train together but she sure inspires me :)

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